Monday, December 30, 2019

A Critical Investigation Of The Motivation Of Cr Vanguard

A critical investigation of the motivation of CR Vanguard Introduction Motivation originates from the word move and represents the reasons for people s actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can be considered as the arousal, direction and maintenance of human behavior towards attaining some goal (Greenberg, J. and Baron, R.A. in Buelens et al., 2011).Motivating employees is vital if employers are willing to achieve maximum performance and productivity. The company shall attach great importance on its staff incentive system to enhance the loyalty and professional dedication of staff. For example, Tesco, Britain s biggest retailer, has entered China through a 50 percent joint venture with Ting Hsin International, a firm that owns 25 hypermarkets in China (Guerrera and Voyle, 2004). In August 2013, CR Vanguard and Tesco officially announced the establishment of the joint venture company to expand and diversify the market. But in June 11 2015, numbers of slogan banners writing CR Vanguard oppressed Tesco employees were hung in the Tesco supermarket of Guangzhou Shengdi shop. More than 80 Tesco employees stopped their work to register their protest in the supermarket of Shunde Daliang store. The strike can be traced to the dissatisfaction of the salary adjustment and job assignment. The District General Manager of human resources and Guangfo district director talked to Tesco Shengdi shop manager and ask the manager transferred to another store serving. The manager did

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effects Of Wound Healing On Diabetic Patients

eous wound healing and why some processes may be altered in diabetic patients â€Å"The process by which tissue repair takes place is termed wound healing and is comprised of a continuous sequence of inflammation and repair, in which epithelial, endothelial, inflammatory cells, platelets and fibroblasts briefly come together outside their normal domains, interact to restore a semblance of their usual discipline and having done so resume their normal function†. (The Cellular Biology of Wound Healing 2016) Wound healing has 3 distinct stages, an inflammatory response, a proliferation phase and a maturation phase, however wound healing is not a linear process and a patient can move back and forth throughout the stages. After the occurrence of a wound the inflammatory process immediately begins and can last up to 3 days (Wound Healing 2016), the initial injury causes the small vessels around the wound site to be disturbed resulting in bleeding, the body’s first response is a haemodynamic one in that it restricts these vessels in order to prevent blood loss. There then comes a rapid release of preformed inflammatory mediators from the cells surrounding the injury, the first thing this causes is the aggregation of platelets, these platelets adhere to extracellular surface structures which are exposed, such as collagen and basement membranes, this in turn causes serotonin from platelet stores to be stimulated. (Kirk, Phillips and Murray 2001) As well as attracting furtherShow MoreRelatedThe Power Of Honey : Honey1415 Words   |  6 Pagesbeginning to be more seriously investigated as a solution to this problem.     Ã‚     The article, The evidence and rationale for the use of honey as a wound dressing focuses on the evidence and explanation as to the effectiveness of the bioactivites in honey that support and promote wound healing. This study concluded that honey showed tremendous value in wound healing. Honey has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity specifically to gram positive and gram negative species, anaerobes, and aerobes. It showedRead MoreA Brief Note On Patients With Diabetic Lower Leg Ulcers With Activated Protein C ( Apc )1119 Words   |  5 PagesWounds related to Diabetic Neuropathy Patients with diabetic neuropathy generally ended up with wounds, since they have reduced ability to feel pain and temperature. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Motivation affects learning Free Essays

Introduction Motivating employees in an organization means helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors, and solving problems that arise. Consequently, human resource management plays a central role in this especially since they are responsible for how people are treated in their own unique kind of organization. Effective managers are concerned about their employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation affects learning or any similar topic only for you Order Now It has been revealed that by applying techniques to motivation and training, people will be inspired to examine the incentive and recognition programs. These programs can improve employees’ life. This way, proper reporting is done and the staff are not disillusioned. Managers provide reward programs promptly. It states that â€Å"When training is linked to a reward program, employees are motivated to absorb the content, and that translates it into improved performance. This paper looks into the different ways of motivation especially in the organizational aspects so that learning is facilitated and hastened. Gellerman (1992) defines motivation as the â€Å"art of helping people to focus their minds and energies on doing their work as effectively as possible.† The task is to motivate everyone, at all times, through every possible technique or approach available and apt for the situations. They need to enjoy themselves in the process. There are many questions that have to be answered, such as who are the people, what are their job tasks, how do they get paid, with whom do they work? Because of these varied and ever-changing elements in motivation, this is not a simple or easy task†.   The difficulty is that all people are different from one another in many ways; hence what might motivate one person does not necessarily work for another person – different strokes for different folks. Effects of Good Relations with Employees Good motivational techniques with the employees result in good service of the company because the employees feel good and satisfied and they deliver their service better than those who are not contented with their jobs.  By providing good human relations with the employees, they will be highly satisfied and they will be more productive.  The management that provides opportunities for the employees to grow and develop will be more successful as the employees will be challenged to do better. Employees can also feel their value when they are motivated accordingly and when they are given programs that would make them feel they deserve the job responsibility.  As a result, the workers will support the management more and in the end everybody benefits, the employees develop their potentials and gain high job satisfaction giving the management less problems and a higher productivity turnover, and in due course the business thrives. As part of your â€Å"welcome to our fastfoods business,† find out what their dreams  Ã‚   are, how they think that business should work for the customers, what they hate, and what they like. Ask how they have used technology in the past. The entrepreneur’s perception on subordinates will greatly affect decisions between the two dimensions they are going to emphasize. If they assume that their people are responsible and capable, there would be less control and leaders would put more reliance on their people. Otherwise there would be a large amount of control on their workers.   But more than the well-established organizational design and properly selected leadership style, Beer emphasized the importance of people because without the capabilities of these people, the goal of effective organization would be difficult to attain, or worse, would never be reached (Beer, Michael). Organizational behavior’s emphasis on people makes the management understand their employees more and make them committed in pursuing a common organizational goal of productivity and effectiveness. One of the strategies in building the performance of a worker is through motivation. People who are satisfied with their job are motivated to be more productive. In order for the manager to effectively motivate his employees, he must have knowledge on what determines their motivation. Again, under the principle of cause and effect, and the studies on the behavior of organization, an effective leader could formulate a motivation technique that would fit into the needs of the workers and encourage them to be more productive. Understanding what moves workers to work more productively would make the decision of the leaders in coming up with a motivational technique more acceptable to the workers and in turn would give favorable results for the whole organization. Businesses continue to succeed because of the value it places in their service and the clients.  However, without its human resources, no one will be able to deliver its service.  No technology can take the place of human resources.  The employees are the most important resource in any way.  Humans can adapt and improve, be taught and learn.  Technology will always be mere tools of humans, either using it to improve himself or to destroy himself. Good management see their employees grow in the company and as persons of their own rights.  They see them highly motivated to â€Å"achieve their goals, gain positive perspective, have that power to change, build self esteem and capacity, manage their own development and help others with theirs.† (Goleman, 2005) Moreover, they appreciate the value of building a climate of honesty, openness and trust; understand what they want from work so they can be aligned with each other in terms of expectations and aspirations; encouraging others  to do well and complimenting those who perform well and who work at best in an effective organization. (Goleman, 2005) Importance of Employee Motivation and Training People experience failure in one way or another. But if there is a positive consistency in one’s life (that is, if one consistently learns from his mistakes and mature through them to bring harmony and balance in his life), one can, for the most part, avoid repeating the same mistakes. Time is the vehicle that allows one to make course corrections, and time allows him to recover and improve. High achievers will see the future as an endless opportunity because of all they can learn and accomplish – rather than seeing doom and disaster because of missed opportunities and   â€Å"what might have been† in the past. Things are clarified and the process is checked if well understood. People are not left clueless about how things need to be done. Clearly, if the process is well understood, it stands a chance of being described and automated. A chain of reactions and influences causes a very fast ripple effect and things are controlled early on especially if it is in connection with rumor mills. But, whether it is rumors racing through the company at warp speed or a change in how people relate to each other after reorganization, one cannot help but be conscious of the effect. What is important is that things are communication well to everyone (Cheese and Thomas 2003). Based on research on entrepreneurial and diversified businesses successful firms have competitive markets that have fast, high-quality, and widely supported strategic decision making processes.   Indeed, the remarkable success of high performance teams is not the result of luck. It is the predictable outcome of intense concentration on values, proper motivation and strategies on cultivating what the German writer Goethe called â€Å"the genius, power and magic† in ourselves. We have been burdening managers for years with an impossible task, telling them they ought to motivate others single-handedly, when the most a manager can do for others is to jump-start them – inspire them. Real motivation catches internally, after the mission is clear. Peak performers draw productivity from deeper reserves that are inexhaustible – from the sources of motivation. You can tell people to value excellence. You can insist that they increase their productivity. You can emphasize the need for changing their behavior. You can attempt to train people and motivate them to upgrade their job skills and increase their effectiveness. But until an individual makes a personal commitment to achieving peak performance or makes that internal decision to excel, nothing much will happen (McClelland, D. 1955). REFERENCES Beer, Michael. â€Å"Organizational Behavior and Development.† (n.d.) Retrieved Jan. 13, 2007 at’organizational%20behavior%20affects%20organization’. Cheese, P. and Thomas, B. (2003) Human Capital Measurement: How do you measure  up? Accenture, Issue 1 May 1, 2003. Retrieved Jan. 13, 2007 at: McClelland, D. (1955). Some social consequences of achievement motivation. In M.R. Jones (ed). Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Goleman, D. Motivating Your Staff in a Time of Change. Business: The Ultimate Resource.  Perseus Publishing. 2002.  Retrieved Jan. 13, 2007 at: How to cite Motivation affects learning, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Mosaics Of San Vitale Essay Example For Students

Mosaics Of San Vitale Essay The church of San Vitale in Ravenna was dedicated to St. Vitalis. After the discovery of the bones of the reputed martyrs Agricola and his slave Vitalis at Bologna in the fourth century, Vitalis was widely venerated in the west. The church of which he is the patron saint in Ravenna was begun by Bishop Ecclesius in the second quarter of the sixth century, when the Goths still ruled there. Funds for its construction were supplied by Julianus Argentarius. The church was completed and consecrated by Bishop Maximian in 547/8, after control had passed to the Byzantines . San Vitale was built on an octagonal plan Ills. 1, with eight heavy piers supporting the drum and dome. The inspiration for the central plan likely came from the east, for Ecclesius had recently returned from a visit to Constantinople, but the construction is Roman. Of special interest are the mosaics of the sanctuary and apse. The mosaics in San Vitale cover the entire sanctuary Ills. 2,3. In different symbols and images, they all convey one idea: the redemption of mankind by Christ and the sacramental re-enactment of this event in the eucharistic sacrifice. The compositions must thus be understood as the setting for the rite celebrated in this room and as closely related to it. In the vault there appears the Lamb of God in the midst of a wreath, which is supported by four angels standing on globes. The image of the lamb was introduced into the Roman rite only at the end of the seventh century by Pope Sergius I, a Syrian . But, in the liturgies of the East, this symbol of the Christian sacrifice appears at an earlier date, and we are justified in interpreting its representation in San Vitale as alluding to the eucharistic liturgy Ills. 4. The first arcade of the sanctuary is decorated with fifteen medallions, showing the images of Christ, of the twelve apostles, and of Gervase and Protase, who, with their father Vitalis, were venerated in this church. In the ancient liturgy of Ravenna, all these saints are mentioned in the so-called diptychs, the Book of Life, listing the names of those whom the church wishes to remember at every Mass Ills. , 5. The next bay on either side shows, above the columns supporting the arcades of the galleries, two sacrificial scenes from the Old Testament. On our left, the three angels appearing to Abraham in the valley of Mambre Genesis, chap. 18, and Isaac whom his father is about to sacrifice; on our right, Abel offering a lamb, and Melchizedek with his sacrifice of bread and wine. Above them, there appears the hand of God, the traditional symbol of the divine presence and of Godquot;s acceptance of the sacrifice Ills. 6, 7. All four scenes allude to the eucharistic sacrifice. To make this significance plain, an altar is depicted between Abel and Melchizedek, on which are placed a chalice and two loaves of bread, identical in shape with that which Melchizedek offers and also with the eucharistic bread which the church used during the sixth century . The altar motif appears again in the opposite mosaic: Isaac is shown kneeling upon an altar, and even the table behind which the three angels are seated resembles the simple wooden altar of Christian antiquity. The three round cakes which Sarah has placed before the heavenly messengers are marked with the sign of the cross and recall again the eucharistic hosts of that time. In patristic exegesis and in Christian art and literature, the four scenes depicted are among the most frequent symbols of the eucharistic sacrifice. Above these mosaics and flanking the graceful arcades of the gallery, the four evangelists are represented: Matthew and Mark on the left wall, John and Luke on the right. All four appear seated in a mountainous landscape, holding their Gospels on their knees. Their symbolic animals are seen above them; writing utensils are placed at their sides Ills. 8, 9. The relation of these figures to those below is obvious: as the two tables which Moses received on Mount Sinai contained the Old Law, so the New Regulation is contained in the Gospels. In the later Middle Ages, Christian art expressed this relation by depicting the apostles standing on the shoulders of the prophets . The mosaics in San Vitale express the same thought. It must be mentioned, however, that the four evangelists are depicted not solely as the authors of the Gospels. They, too, are symbols of the sacramental life of the Christian. As we proceed deeper into the sanctuary, toward the main altar of San Vitale, we face two monumental compositions. The imperial panels in the church of San Vitale at Ravenna are perhaps the most famous of all Byzantine mosaics. The two panels face each other, one on each side of the apse. The left panel Ills. 10 shows the Byzantine emperor Justinian in the midst of his attendants. The right panel Ills. 11 shows the empress Theodora, Justinianquot;s consort, similarly attended. Each member of the imperial pair wears extravagant purple imperial robes and a crown and is distinguished by a halo. Each also carries gifts for the church, Justinian a gold paten and Theodora a golden chalice. Each group appears to be advancing toward the center of the apse across a green floor between two jeweled gold columns, which, in Justinianquot;s panel support a coffered ceiling and in Theodoraquot;s support a carved egg and dart cornice . While the wall behind Justinianquot;s scene is plain gold, Theodoraquot;s scene has a more elaborate background: a niche with a shell-shaped conch directly behind the figure of the empress, at the left an open doorway hung with a curtain behind a small gushing fountain on a pedestal, and at the right a section of gold ground with a drapery hanging above it . The emperor has, to his right, two prominent dignitaries wearing white mantles with purple tablia over short white tunics embroidered with shoulder ornaments. To their right stands a group of guardsman carrying spears and a shield. To the emperorquot;s left is another white-robed dignitary squeezed into a narrow space, to his left a bishop labeled Maximianus carrying a gold cross, and to Maximianquot;s left two deacons, one carrying a Gospel book and the other a censer . Theodora has two eunuchs to her right, one of whom touches the curtain in front of the doorway as if to lift it, and to her left two prominent noblewomen and a group of five ladies-in-waiting. Inside the church, in the overall context of the decoration of the sanctuary, these panels are located in the apsequot;s hemicycle, which is otherwise occupied mainly by three large windows Ills. 12. The panels are integrated into the larger apse decoration by the simple and standard means of ornamental borders and decorative architecture . The borders include a ubiquitous pearl and jewel band and a scalloped black and white one. The bejeweled columns used at the sides of each panel reappear in a slightly larger size between the windows of the apse. In the simplest sense, the intended purpose of these panels seems clear. It is to glorify the emperor Justinian and his empress, Theodora. In a wider sense, the mosaics may be conceived as a glorification of the whole institution of imperial autocracy, in Italy and throughout the world. At this time Justinian was vigorously expanding his empire beyond the lands he had inherited in the eastern Mediterranean. In 535, just after conquering northern Africa from the Vandals, the emperor sent an expedition under Belisarius, his most capable general, to take Italy from the Ostrogoths. In 540, after Belisarius secured the surrender of the Ostrogothic king Vitigis and the Ostrogothsquot; capital at Ravenna, he held all of Italy except for a few Ostrogothic outposts. At that point, Justinian recalled Belisarius to fight the Persians in the East. The Ostrogoths then rallied and retook much of Italy before the Byzantines finally completed the conquest in 561 . The scholarly consensus is that these mosaics represent an imaginary procession, given that Justinian, Theodora, and Maximian, the archbishop of Ravenna, who is labeled in the mosaic, were never together in the same place after Maximianquot;s consecration in 546 . Often Times People Tend To Look At A Work Of Art And Only See A Picture EssayThey concern two central characters, one of whom was a controversial newcomer, Maximian, who had his name inscribed above his head to make his identification unmistakable. At present there are two main reasons for dating these two figures to a restoration phase, which was close in time to the creation of these mosaics. One reason is the compositional oddity that represents the official in an awkwardly confined position, with no trace of a lower body and with very narrow shoulders that are out of proportion with his head and with the other figures. The second reason is the difference in materials. Stone dominates both of these figuresquot; faces Ills. 13, 21, instead of the glass used in the faces and hands of all the other characters see Justinianquot;s face in Ills. 17 and his hand in Ills. 23 and even in the hand of the bishop himself Ills. 24. The reasons for discontinuing the use of glass paste for flesh tones in the restoration phase are still not clear, but one possibility is that the white and pale-colored glass was more expensive than stone . It seems, therefore, that the head of the bishop was replaced, but not most of his body or his hand, which is made with the same glass-paste tesserae as that used for the other hands in both panels. At the same time of this alteration, the inscription Maximianus was fitted in above the bishopquot;s head and the official behind him was carefully added, but without a lower body to correspond to his upper body because the original composition left too little room for him. These two heads, which belong to the restoration of the mosaics, appear not to have been part of the original mosaic surface, and the same is true of the inscription. Before proceeding further, we need to date the San Vitale mosaics, which, as we have seen, had a restoration phase. The original phase evidently did not include Maximian, because the technical considerations outlined above indicate Maximianquot;s head and inscription were added later. Since the bishopquot;s garb is original, the original figure was presumably an earlier bishop of Ravenna. Yet he was not much earlier, because the figure of Justinian was part of the original mosaic and was unaccompanied by any Ostrogothic king. It follows that the mosaic was put up after imperial forces entered Ravenna in 540 . That narrows the possibilities for the original bishop of Ravenna to just one: Maximianquot;s immediate predecessor, Victor. Let us begin with the man to the emperorquot;s right and the woman to the empressquot;s left. As the people just following the emperor and empress in their processions, they are the second-ranking personages in the panels. One might therefore guess that they were the highest-ranking man and woman in Ravenna. For this reason they have occasionally been identified as the imperial commander-in-chief of Italy, Belisarius, and his wife, Antonina . In 544 Belisarius was about forty-five and Antonina about sixty, ages that fit well enough with the faces. Thus, the mosaic probably dates between 544 and 545, around the time of Bishop Victorquot;s death. This appears to be the date when the building of San Vitale was essentially complete. Victor did not consecrate it, however, presumably because he died before he considered it ready. It follows that Maximian contributed little if anything to building the church or to decorating its apse. Yet much of the mosaic decoration of the rest of the sanctuary should be his, because it belongs to the restoration phase that was apparently begun after Victorquot;s death and can scarcely be later than Maximianquot;s inscription and his consecration of the whole church . Bishop Victor won his place in these prestigious panels because San Vitale was after all his church. Victor may have felt a special need to emphasize his loyalty to Justinian and even to Belisarius, because he had been consecrated bishop under the Ostrogoths when they were already at war with the emperor and his general. Yet the main initiative behind the selection of figures for the mosaics presumably lay with Belisarius and Antonina. In altering the mosaic, Maximianquot;s main purpose was doubtless to promote his own authority in Ravenna. This mosaic, after he had altered it, reminded his brood that Maximian had the backing of the emperor, the empress, and of both of the emperorquot;s chief officers, Belisarius and John the Nephew of Vitalian . Beyond this, substituting Maximianquot;s head for Victorquot;s allowed Maximian to lay claim early in his tenure to a church that he had seen to completion, although it had actually been built and, in large part, decorated under his predecessors. From the start, Maximian showed great energy in altering and finishing the buildings of earlier bishops. In San Apollinare in Classe, for example, he radically changed the original program of mosaic decoration and had the present mosaics finished quite quickly . It follows that the original designer of the imperial panels did not mean to give Justinian twelve companions representing the twelve Apostles, since originally those companions numbered eleven . Nor did the designer add Maximianquot;s inscription to give the bishop prominence in the mosaic, since his inscription was not part of the original composition and was added later to serve a different purpose. Although we cannot be absolutely sure that Maximianquot;s name was not substituted for Victorquot;s, such a label seems out of keeping with the rest of the original panels, and Victor would probably have expected his portrait to be recognizable by itself. Only now does the significance of the mosaics become fully apparent. And it will be realized how intimately the different works are interconnected. Moses, as well as the just offerers, alludes to the emperor. As Moses, upon Godquot;s command, had made and adorned the Tabernacle, so Justinian had built and sumptuously furnished the church of San Vitale, and, like Melchizedek, he presented the sacrificial offering at the altar. But the imperial portraits must also be related to the great central composition in the apse Ills. 3. The connection between the emperor-portraits and the central mosaic is obvious. As Ecclesius, the founder of the sanctuary, stands ready to receive the same award as that which is tendered Vitalis, so the sovereigns, as the primary benefactors of the church, will be rewarded for their sacrifice. Again it is the liturgy which gives particular significance to this thought. The entire cycle of mosaics thus culminates in the apse of San Vitale, where the sacrifice offered by Justinian as emperor and priest is shown to be judged and accepted on the last day. The scene is the supreme vindication of Justinianquot;s administration, all the more moving since Christ, whom he is shown confronting, appears himself as an emperor in the act dear to the religious imagination of the age of bestowing the wreath of glory to the winner in the agon . If texts can be misread, art is even more susceptible to misinterpretation. Today, some scholars seem to want to believe in a Byzantium that idealized its rulers and cared above all for politics. The sources seem rather to show a society that valued the rulers, if it valued them at all, mostly for the practical benefits they could present . The reality behind an idealized image of power was often weakness; attempts to glorify figures in authority often masked their actual insecurity and unpopularity.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Oedipus The Tragic Hero free essay sample

Tragic Hero Webster dictionary defines a hero as a person, who Is admired or Idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Although this definition accurately describes Oedipus character, tragic hero Is more of an apt description. A tragic hero Is defined usually by the following: One, A man of noble stature. Two, A selfless man who is not afraid to come under scrutiny. Three, The hero honorably receives the punishment given to him. From the beginning to end of the playOedipus The King, by Sophocles, Oedipus truly defines himself as a hero, a tragic hero. Oedipus is first introduced as the sole ruler of Thebes. Kings/Dictators are usually looked down upon due to their brash and selfish behavior, but Oedipus is the opposite. A priest say, Therefore, O mighty power, we turn to you: find us our safety, find us a remedy, whether by counsel of the gods or of men. We will write a custom essay sample on Oedipus: The Tragic Hero or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A king of wisdom tested in the past can act in a time of troubles, and act well. Noblest of men, restore life to your city! Sophocles 2) when Oedipus makes a declaration to save the city of Thebes from the ongoing plague. The priest calls him the Noblest of men in marvel, at the fact, a man of such high stature and importance takes the time to address the concerns of his people. The words used to describe Oedipus such as liberator, noblest of men, boldness, and mighty power show that the people of Thebes rely on and look to Oedipus for safety and guidance in times of need. Oedipus is stuck with a horrible fate: slay his father and bare children with his mother.He finds out that his father was the previous ruler of Thebes and he was ultimately responsible for plague in Thebes. Oedipus loses his mother/spouse as well as his slight. Even with this immense suffering, he steps down from his kingdom and dethrones himself, in front of the entire city. No shame In his game. Oedipus goes on to address the citizens honestly with remorse: Aye, and on thee In all humility I lay this charge: let her who lies within receive such burial as shall ordain.. .. Oedipus accepts full punishment and blames no Individual but himself.There are multiple ways of defining a hero; Oedipus does a marvelous Job of showing the characteristics of a true hero. From honoring his word, no matter how self- destructive, to keeping a noble stature. Oedipus understood what It takes to be a hero, savior, and human-being. An example we all could follow from time to time. Oedipus: The Tragic Hero By thespian Webster dictionary defines a hero as a person, who is admired or idealized for accurately describes Oedipus character, tragic hero is more of an apt description.A tragic hero is defined usually by the following: One, A man of noble stature. Two, A dethrones himself, in front of the entire city. No shame in his game. Oedipus goes on to address the citizens honestly with remorse: Aye, and on thee in all humility I lay this charge: let her who lies within receive such burial as shall ordain .. (66) Oedipus accepts full punishment and blames no individual but himself. Destructive, to keeping a noble stature. Oedipus understood what it takes to be a

Monday, November 25, 2019

California Gold Rush essays

California Gold Rush essays It lasted just a decade, but the California gold rush was a gigantic adventure for a generation of fragile young men, most of them citizens of a fragile young nation. They took their name ~ the forty-niners ~ from the year that the gold rush began. In 1849 the East was dazzled by the news that across the continent, on land that was just given to the U.S. by Mexico, golden nuggets were lying around loose on the ground. Abandoning farms and apprenticeships, deserting their families, the forty-niners swarmed West by the thousands. In California, they heard that a man could make a fortune by simply digging in hills with just a little more equipment than a shovel, a tin pan and a wooden, box like thing called a cradle. If the man did not get rich from digging, who cared? For most of the forty-niners the adventure alone was enough treasure to last a lifetime.1 The gold rush all started in 1848 when James W. Marshall found gold nuggets at Sutters Mill. He rushed down to the nearest town and yelled that he had found gold. People from the near shanty towns rushed to El Derado to claim their fortune from Sutters Mill. By 1949, President Polk released this information to the rest of the country. People from all over the continent came to California in search for money. Most of the people that came to California for gold did not get what they were looking for. Most of the Argonauts (forty-niners) died on the way to California. It was a long hard journey to California. Many people left their own family on the Oregon Trail to go get their fortune from California. This caused many wives and their children to die. A typical day for the forty-niners was not very fun. There was a lot of work and people would fight a lot for other peoples tools. A lot of people would get killed that had gold with them. The people would then get their gold stolen. In the next few years people from Europe, Asia, and S...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mrketing Strtegy of Ford Compny Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Mrketing Strtegy of Ford Compny - Case Study Example "Tht's some good news in the mix of our business," Ford's sles nlyst George Pips sid yesterdy. Ford Motor is the second lrgest utomotive compny in the world nd the most trnsntionl of ll uto mkers. It hs opertions in more thn 200 countries nd territories, employing bout 350,000 workers (Schnpp, Cssettri, 2004) Historiclly, Ford sought to compete ginst the industry's leder, Generl Motors, by incresing its presence in foreign mrkets. Ford's Interntionl utomotive Opertions co-ordintes ctivities in twenty-six countries grouped in three principl regions (Europe, Ltin meric, nd si Pcific). In the lte 1970s, Ford produced outside the United Sttes hlf of its worldwide vehicle production - compred with GM's one-fourth. The Ford Motor Co. hs lso been leder in introducing or rpidly dopting technologicl innovtions in the industry. Henry Ford, the founder nd president of the compny, is considered the fther of mss production. In the difficult decde of the 1980s, Ford showed its cpbility to rpidly dopt the Jpnese system of production nd to move fster thn ny other uto mker in seeking the integrtion of its opertions on globl bsis. The compny ws lso pioneer in the interntionliztion of production, s it ws the first to open n ssembly plnt in Cnd (1904), in Mexico (1925), nd in mny other countries. Historicll y, the compny hs hd leding role in developing n utomotive cpbility in those countries, nd its strtegies hve been chrcterized by its responsiveness to locl government demnds nd its reltively high levels of export ctivity. 2. Politicl fctors to consider in building Mrketing strtegy of Ford Motor Politicl fctors such s US government policies of intermittent intervention in the industry help to undermine the extent of competition in the US utomobile industry. The dversril reltionship between government nd business in the United Sttes tht emerged in the mid-1960s ws founded on the underlying tension which existed between the neo-clssicl model or ideology tht shped US government policies towrd the utomobile industry nd the system of mngeril cpitlism bsed on lrge, oligopolistic corportions. In the 1960s, nd responding to growing public wreness on sfety nd fuel emissions, the US government incresed nd modified its forms of intervention in the utomobile industry. Before the 1960s, US government intervention in the utomobile industry ws "intermittent nd inconstnt, " s "periods of mild support nd benign neglect hve lternted with periods of fierce scrutiny nd shrp intervention" (Dyer et l. 2001:45). Most government policies ffecting the industry re not shped by the underlying ideology of lissez-fire, which justified government intervention only when there were strong demnds by powerful economic or socil ctors to do so, or when it ws justified to correct mrket filure (Gilpin

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pablo Picasso as One of the Most Important Figures in Cubism Essay

Pablo Picasso as One of the Most Important Figures in Cubism - Essay Example The paper "Pablo Picasso as One of the Most Important Figures in Cubism" discover an important movement in art history and analyzes some examples of Picasso's painting. The main aim of Picasso was to depict an item as it is seen through several viewpoints independently. This made Picasso and Braque to become friends and later they developed the aspects of cubism together. Largely Picasso’s à ©poque negre, was largely inspired by the African art and this overlapped the first phase in cubism that is known as analytical cubism. It was through the Picasso’s artwork and styles that marked the beginning of abstract art. This made Picasso to reach a place of abstraction in painting that was radical break from the classical dominance of content over form. Therefore the most important aspect of cubism by place is the neglect of form in favor of content. Below is an analysis of one of Picasso’s paintings and comparison with other styles of artistic work during this period for understanding of the actual artistic work. Above is one of the most remarkable paintings of Picasso known as Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907. The painting represents a good sample of cubism that uses geometrical work to represent images that the painter wishes to express. The painting signaled a different direction and the painting clearly reflected the aspects of cubism of presenting contents in dimensional views as compared to form as had been the order of artistic work before. According to the VSAVCS the early cubism started from 1907 to 1909.... Largely cubism was based on intellectual experiment and structure as compared to the expression of emotions. This made it more practical to use geometrical shapes in this artistic work a high contrast to other artistic work in this period. In addition VSAVCS (2009) further elaborates that the later period of synthetic cubism lasted between 1912 and1914 and this represented colligated objects into their paintings. This represented the synthetic cubism that as described above portrayed colligated objects into their paintings. Picasso guitar sheet music glass of 1912 Incidentally, according to the 20th Century Art (n,d) the work of Picasso as portrayed above was not restricted to one of the artistic period. For example the above painting has aspects of both Renaissance and baroque properties, and yet does not fit to any of these artistic periods. Corot, Chemin de Sevres, 19th century is a good example of Renaissance artistic work. Bailey (4) argues that most of the artistic work that ar tists have been painting for several centuries either belonged to the renaissance or the Baroque period artistic work. Renaissance work was more elaborate in using light and depth and a well fitting frame that portrayed the aspect of form, where all the elements in the painting fit. Comparing the painting by Picasso with this typical Renaissance painting, the painting has light shades and fits to the frame correctly as required by the Renaissance artistic work. However, the painting has no depth and uses some forms of geometric shape that are not common with Renaissance artistic work. On the other hand, the baroque period was characterized by the use of flowing forms that use dark shapes and that are

Monday, November 18, 2019

Topic ( Religion in tower hamlet) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Topic ( Religion in tower hamlet) - Essay Example Now I will move on to how religion affects people’s life and their health. I will investigate the impact of religion on health in the chosen Tower Hamlet. The information gathered in this essay in mainly from books and internet sources. Both health and religion in a way is a manner of coping and re-framing one’s life, bringing into it a sense of meaning and purpose. This is even more powerful when one’s life is threatened by a still uncurable disease such as HIV, in the taken case study in Tower Hamlet. The main body of my essay I will focus on Christian and Muslim modernizations in Tower Hamlet. Later, I will concentrate on religious beliefs and how they can affect health. I will also include some pictures and statistical tables reflecting some of the points that have been made. In conclusion, I will summarize the main issues addressed and provide some suggestions. The followers of a given religion are often united into a community. That is why we need to clarify the meaning of Community in Tower Hamlet. Christianity followers are referred to as Christian communities. There are various definitions of community. For the purpose of this essay I have examined the exact definition: social network of interacting individuals, usually concentrated into a defined territory’ (Stacey, 1969). This definition is most relevant in the way that it displays interest between the individuals and includes them within the same territory. On the other hand, being in the same social network does not necessarily mean that they will share the same opinion. In Christian communities, however, people follow the same religious opinion, as well as the same belief in God. Their particular social network may connect them more powerfully with people in other parts of the world. The Christian community in Tower Hamlets shares the same geographical area, but not all of them have the same

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effective Use Of Problem Solving Techniques Philosophy Essay

Effective Use Of Problem Solving Techniques Philosophy Essay It is our applied management syllabus in business management course. We were doing a project in this subject. We have to do that select any kind if business and find and identify a problem in that and then by using problem solving techniques make a solution for that identified problem. Before started it was looking a difficult job but when we did started it was making easy step by step. We had chosen DLF Construction Company. In this project we used many techniques. We used swot analysis and porter 5 forces to identify a problem .it all were included in our first assessment. In our second assessment we did a work on identified problem. We used cause and effects, 5 whys also in problem solving techniques. We got many solutions to solve it. Change in design and estimation skills we found to solve identified problem. In this project we selected DLF construction Ltd. It is an Indian construction company. When we were doing this project then it was necessary that our selected business should have any major problem. For eg. If we select Burger King. Then customer service is the main problem. And then we had to do that analyse the problem by using tools cause and effects. Then we had to need that find solutions by using problem solving techniques. There were so many solutions to solve the problem but we did search for some main solutions to get the decision. Problem indemnification We select DLF construction Ltd. Company to do our project. We did many researches to get more knowledge about this company. We used swot analysis and make a list about its strengths, weaknesses. Opportunities, and treats and porters 5forces to analyse the problem. We got in our search that estimation was the major problem in our selected company. This problem exist universally, estimation problem cause the profit of DLF group decline. Estimation is a very important practical work in construction project. Solutions:- When we were searching for suitable solutions, we used some problem solving techniques. We used 5 whys to get a perfect solution for identified problem. we used cause and effects and we got four factors which effect estimation problem. These four factors are:- Change in design. Inappropriate technology. Estimation skills. Documentations. When we were searching about solutions we also got some knowledge from our class. Because in our class our tutor also was helping us in our project. He discussed every groups project in every lecture one by one. We got so many different points of views from there. We got the cause documentations from our class. Strategies used to get solutions:- In our research about solution for DLFs estimation problem, we got DLF has some internal and some external factors by 5 whys, which can effect by change management. DLF have to do use change management in their business. It has to change design by analysing changes in design. It has to analyse estimation skills to solve poor estimation skill problem. When we were searching about estimation skills that what we have to do in this research or what kind of job has to have estimation skills? And the answer was estimator. Then, to understand estimation skill better we did search about estimator duties in construction in Googles search engine. We read so many entries; finally we picked up five entries. These five entries are:- The Responsibilities of a Construction Estimator[5] Construction Estimator Job Description[6] Construction Estimator Job description and activities[7] Construction Estimator Job Description [8](it is the same title with second entry, but they have different content). CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR CLASS CLASSIFICATIONSAN DIEGO CITY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION[9] We identified these all entries in our second assessment. We used 5 whys in estimation skills also. We got that company have to need to give prefer to experience staff, because old employees have better experience than new employees. DLF has to do check qualification of estimator every three years, make sure they have enough skills and their experience match with new technologies and industrial standard. Teams role Introduction:- We have group no.4.we are four members in our group. Our names are below:- Daljit Kaur (me). Liu Xiong. Kiran Gullapalli. Sukhwinder Kaur. In our group we all are hard worker and intelligent but Liu Xiong, he is a Chinese boy. He is very intelligent and smart in our group. So we select him as a leader of our group. He did such a real leadership role in our project. He is very helpful and kind person also. I have no internet at home and I have a baby also so I was unable to type my assessment but he did a great job me he and Kiran both typed our assessment. I am very thankful to them for this act of kindness. In our team we all did a good job in our project. We are four members in our team. We three are from India and one from china. We have different ethnic culture in our team. We got some problem to communicate with each other, because we are living so far to each other. So we make contact by phone to each other. We can also use internet but there is no internet at my home. And i was unable to go at internet cafe. On the other hand we did also many meetings after our classes also. It is our each team members role below:- Liu Xiong: he is our team leader. He is very smart and intelligent person of our team. We did all research by own and send it to him and then he select an appropriate research and type it .we can say he gave final touch to every commitment. He also made a chart about change management in our project. Kiran Gullapalli: He is very intelligent person. He told us about this company when we start our whole project. He gave us a lot of knowledge about their business. Sukhwinder: she is an intelligent girl. She did some good jobs in our project. She did business problem in our project. Daljit: its me. I did a better job in our project. I did many researches and made the part of change in design. I did very hard work in our project. A change can make best to any design and a change also can make failure to any design also. So it is very necessary that which change you are going to do, Make sure that it is best for your design. So I did this part of project with the help of my members also. On the other hand it was a great job which we did successfully in individual. Own role: when we did start our project we did contribute our assessment that who will do what. Kiran did first part of assessment. He did introduction and we all give him help in that. Second part was done by Liu Xiong.he did the main body. And we all give him our research and views. Third and last part is conclusion, which was done by me and Sukhwinder also. We did limitations, implication and summary. On the other hand it was a great job which we did successfully in individual. I got one thing from this job that team is a very good part or key to get solution of any problem. We can get knowledge from different minds. Because everyone have different point of view in their mind. It makes the easier to your work. I got more knowledge from my group members about business management during this project. As i mentioned that I have no internet at my home so we discussed this project in meeting at my colleges library. Because we all members are living far away to each other so we did all meetings after every class. It was two to three hours period every day. We debate some time during our project. Because when we discussed our researches then after that we find an appropriate answer for our project. I did really hard work in this project. I think internet is very necessary in this time. I feel that internet is the main key of any study during period. Without it we cant find any research about any project and we cant communicate with anyone also. So it is very necessary that if you want to do any study then it is necessary that you have internet at your home which you can use any time. Because sometime when you are at home anytime and you are thinking about your project then any ideas can come in your mind, for save you can type it and send to your group members and discus it at the moment also. May be it should be perfect for your project. Some time I also did many calls to my members but you cant expose your thoughts by wording every time. So we all did very hard work in this project. It was really an interesting job. I like it very much. I got so many different energetic ideas from our team work. I got team work can discover the advantage of success. I also discovered that even the simplest things on earth could be turned into something amazing if we put enough creativity and effort into working on them. In this assignment, we practiced using scientific method to solve a real problem. The process include Problem identified, Analyse the root factor, search solution for root factor and get integrated solution. Especially in the stage of analyse root factor, the 5 Why method was used to find root factors, before to do that i was thinking that it is really a hard job but after started it all questions were coming in front one by one. There were so many solutions make an appropriate solution for identified problem. We put all solutions together and then select a perfect solution for that. Review our assignment, we used Brainstorming and 5 Whys looking for solution, due to the limitations of Brainstorming and 5 Whys, our solution couldnt completely solve problem. E.g. in the stage of Brainstorming, although we listed some causes, but these causes cant cover all of the causes whilst we only chose two major causes to analyse, it leaded to information loss once again. When we were doing the 5 Whys, we found some solutions, but these solutions are still lock of details. In the real production actives, DLF need do more detailed work. On the other hand, our constructions experience affects the quality of solutions as well Recommendation:- After we finished our work, we learned that choose a good method is the first step to success, master the tool is a guarantee to success, besides these, gather information is also very important during the problem solving, more information you gathered more helpful to help you fix real problem. Team work is a good job .you can contribute your burden with whole team in it .It gives you different views to know something. It makes your path very easy. On the other hand team work has more interpersonal communication problem. We are three members from India and one from china. It makes us sometime difficult to understand him. When we did start our project then we all was unable to know anything about it. But after start it all things were coming in front one by one. It was not an easy job but now I can say it was a good and easy job. Our one member Sukhwinder, she was unable to do anything but we all give her help to do all projects researches. One time we were stuck in fish bone that how we can use it to identified the problem. We did so many things but finally we made a decision that we will not use it. So we use swot analysis and porters 5 forces in it. It was a good decision to make easier to our project. When we did start our project i was feeling unable to myself to do this project. I was so worried about my role that how could I do these all jobs. But now I am very happy with our jobs in whole project. I learned that every project has some weaknesses and some strengths and working with a group can help discover what they are. We faced many challenged in our project. It was a difficult job but now I can say if in future I will meet any problem like this with an individual work on it then I can face it very easily. Because this job make me able to face any problem very nicely. I can solve my problems with good skills. Now, I like challenges. I can prove my ability to do any project. I can make any change in design with confidence. I can handle any situation at any place because this assessment gives me a lot of skills to do any project within a group. It was a great opportunity to learn anything about applied management. If in future I will face same project, then i will not tensed like this. It will be easy for me. I can understand my all group members point of view easily because of this group assessment. I get more confidence after this project. I can expose myself and my feelings easily now. I can use my decision making skills easily, which are improved by this project. I can prove myself in similar project in future. I am interested in team work and I can make any decision with team project. In shortly i can say this project improve my decision making skills and problem solving skills also, which can help to find problem and then make a decision also.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Robert Frost Home Burial - A Reflection of Reality Essay -- Home Buri

Home Burial as a Reflection of Reality Robert Frost's "Home Burial" is a masterfully written work, conceived from his and his wife's anguish at the loss of their first-born son as well as from the estrangement between his sister-in-law and her husband due to the death of their child. In Donald J. Greiner's commentary on Frost's works, "The Indespensible Robert Frost," it is revealed that "Mrs. Frost could not ease her grief following Elliot's death, and Frost later reported that she knew then that the world was evil. Amy in "Home Burial" makes the same observati Often it seems that writers have their own personal inspiration that fuels a great work to cause its readers to realize the complexity of the human nature. Robert Frost's "Home Burial" is a masterfully written example of such works, conceived from his and his wife's anguish at the loss of their first-born son as well as from the estrangement between his sister-in-law and her husband due to the death of their child. In Donald J. Greiner's commentary on Frost's work s, "The Indespensible Robert Frost," it is revealed that "Mrs. Frost could not ease her grief following Elliot's death, and Frost later reported that she knew then that the world was evil. Amy in "Home Burial" makes the same observation". "Home Burial" illustrates the cause of the failing marriage as a breakdown of communication, both verbally and physically, between two people who adopt totally different views in the midst of crisis. Amy does not believe that her husband is in mourning over the death of their child. Her view can be defended by the fact that she is feeling unimaginable pain that she justly feels is unique to the nurturing nature of a mother. The child tha... ...eir ability to talk normally to eachother, but also because the physical side of their marriage is absent. Touch is a form of communication that the total absence of alone can destroy a loving union. Frost leaves the reader with a realistically portrayed image of their marital turmoil reaching a height as Amy opens the door, ready to walk out on the marriage. The melancholy conclusion to Frost's work ends up being the result of failed communication. "Home Burial" is unfortunately a reflection of the reality that many marriages fail in the event of a child's death. A lack of communication, both verbally and physically, tears apart two people even without a tragedy as profound as the one that Frost and his wife experienced. Frost's work is an expression of the more serious and traumatic side of nature and reveals the consequences of inevitable human flaws.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Of the Dawn of Freedom Essay

In â€Å"Of the Dawn of Freedom,† author W. B. Du Bois (1903) points out the historical basis for the persistence of racism as a problem. Written almost three decades after the civil war, the text is addressed to both African-American and White people who comfort themselves with the illusion that the granting of the right of suffrage to African-Americans instantly solved the problems of inequality. This is evident in how Du Bois illustrates that contrary to popular perception, the Civil War did not totally lead to the emancipation of African-Americans and that the subsequent â€Å"Negro suffrage ended a civil war by beginning a race feud† (34) wherein African-Americans became the subject of contempt of Southern White populations who fought against the abolition of slavery. Indeed, Du Bois’ observations accurately mirror the situation of African-Americans until today. Clearly, African-Americans are still subjected to deeply-held stereotypes that systematically degrade and debase them on the basis of what Du Bois calls â€Å"the color-line. (9) Despite the abolition of slavery, African-Americans continued to be socially-marginalized. Consequently, African-American’s situation as â€Å"a segregated servile caste† (37) after slavery was abolished only resulted in the formation of a double consciousness or an identity confusion owing to the lack of their clear role in society and their alienation from the dominant White culture. In effect, the abolition of slavery also uprooted both African-Americans and White Americans from the customs and clear norms that arose from centuries of slavery. Without the delineations of the slave order, African-Americans found it difficult to establish their identity especially as the White Americans did not want to accommodate the ex-slaves into the folds of society. It is therefore not surprising that African-Americans continue to be subjected to racist perceptions. As Du Bois rightly points out, the freedom of the Black Americans was immature in so far as the Whites regarded them not as their equals but looked condescendingly at the newly-freed Black people as their inferiors and â€Å"helpless wards. †(34)

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Do Employers Moniter Internet Usage at Work Essay Example

How Do Employers Moniter Internet Usage at Work Essay Example How Do Employers Moniter Internet Usage at Work Paper How Do Employers Moniter Internet Usage at Work Paper APBT 3312. 80 INTERNET WEB SEARCH ARTICLE #1 HOW DO EMPLOYERS MONITOR INTERNET USAGE AT WORK? This article informs us the readers on how and what forms an employer can monitor our internet usage while at work. The main reason that we see this at work is due to our advance technology at the work place. Almost all companies have access to the internet at work which entices the workers to go to websites that are not work related. This article does not debate whether it is legal or illegal. It provides information on the two basic types that employers use to monitor, internet and desktop surveillance. This article explains that they use spyware like hackers do to monitor an employee’s internet usage, website visits, emails sent, information on emails, and streaming videos. This information provides specific work or unrelated work this employee is conducting to include the time spent. While conducting desktop surveillance it does all of the aforementioned to include offline activity. All systems are connected to the administrator’s computer and he can actually connect via remote and monitor while you are in front without knowing. I believe this article was mediocre in all. It did provide information that I was not aware like the two basic ways employers monitor. I feel they could have gone more in depth in this area. I know this article was not mean to debate whether it was legal or illegal but does cover the basic legal rights the employer and employee have. REFERENCE J. Bean (2010). WiseGEEK; How do Employers monitor internet usage at work? Retrieved June 13, 2010, from wisegeek. com/how-do-employers-monitor-internet-usage-at-work. htm

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rhetorical Criticism of Two Famous Speeches essays

Rhetorical Criticism of Two Famous Speeches essays History is made up of significant events which shape our future, and outstanding leaders who influence our destiny. Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy contributed to our history and ultimately, our destiny, in many ways. The events which took place in and around Martin Luther Kings life were earth shattering, for they represented an America which was hostile and quite different from America as we see it today. Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all, America needed him. On August 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, in front of over 250,000 people, Martin Luther King gave an inspirational speech regarding freedom and liberty. His charismatic leadership inspired men and women, young and old, black and white, all over the world to rethink their views of segregation and discrimination. In his speech he says Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all Gods children. He states that we as Americans must ...not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. I think this can not only be compared to the previous segregation of the 1960s, but also now, as not only African Americans, but people of the Muslim religion and others are still being discriminated against. John F. Kennedy also spoke of freedom in his Inaugural Address on January 20, 1961 in Washington D.C. He explains, We observe not a victory of a party, but a celebration of freedom. Kennedy addressed many different topics, but always came back to the idea of liberty. In his address, President Kennedy declared that "a new generation of Americans" had taken over leadership of the country. He said Americans would "... pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." He told Americans: "Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Crime Reduction and Prevention Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Crime Reduction and Prevention Proposal - Essay Example Most affected by crimes in the City are the poor neighborhoods where fear and mistrust are at their peaks and the social bond among residents severely vulnerable. The main reasons for the high crime prevalence in such neighborhoods are the flourishing opportunities for crimes such as illegal drug and arms trade and possession, violence, and gun markets. If left unchecked and unchallenged, the souring crime levels may result in neighborhood or community neglect and disintegration. In addition, there would be little if any incentives for the citizens to invest both socially and economically in the neighborhoods marred with incidents of crimes and other disorder problems. To challenge this negative cycle caused by crimes and disorder problems in the City, there is need for all the stakeholders to formulate, implement, evaluate, and reform various crime prevention strategies that would ensure a safe and secure environment in the City for both its citizens and visitors (United Nations, 20 02). This paper explores some of the effective policies that may be established by the security stakeholders in the City of New York to assist crime victims, prevent crimes, and achieve effective justice for all. In addition, the paper addresses the effects that criminological theory and research have had on contemporary and historical crime control policies in New York City. Criminology Theories and their Influence Various theories proposed by scholars and other stakeholders in the subject of criminology have been rather important in the fight against crimes in New York City. Among the theories of criminology that have contributed to the fight against crime in New York City is the ‘Broken Window’ theory. According to this theory, the smallest or least noticeable evidences of crimes should never be ignored. In New York City, minor indications of neglect and disintegration of life in the City’s neighborhoods such as abandoned cars and buildings, littered streets, and prostitution have been accorded the right attention by the law enforcement agencies as they are the precursors of more serious crimes such as gang activity, drug dealing, and violent crimes among others. To this effect, a ‘zero tolerance’ approach based on the ‘broken window’ theory has been implemented by different law enforcement agencies and personnel in New York City. The theory further postulates that the fear of crime inherent in the City’s neighborhoods and other related crime factors, which play numerous roles in creating crimes in the City should not be ignored by the authorities. Besides endeavoring to avail equal economic opportunities for all in the City, the City of New York authorities do not spare any efforts in seeking to strengthen the social bonds that hold the diverse residents of the City. In other terms, any efforts to make the neighborhood of the City safer and more secure have incorporated other development activities, whic h create and attract jobs and avail affordable services to the populace. Importantly, all the crime prevention projects in the City have been based on sound scientific evidences. Evidence based Crime Prevention One of the benefits of the various criminology theories to the fight against crime in the City of New York has been in the formulation and implementation of evidence-based approaches to crime prevention. Important in such approaches is the emphasis laid on the need for crime prevention policies in the City. These crime prevention

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lifelong Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lifelong Learning - Essay Example These include cousera, w3schools, OpenLearn Alison, Stanford, and MIT. W3schools for instance, offers courses on SQL, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Server Side Scripting, XML tutorials, Web building, jQuery and HTML Graphics. On the other hand, cousera offers a wider variety of courses depending on the field of study. These range from mobile application development, databases, and major programming languages including Java, Android, C++ and C. Various universities have partnered to offer these courses free of charge. The scope is wide covering virtually everything in the field of computing and technology. The classes I may be interested in taking include advanced database design and management, Database administration, data mining and data warehouse, software development and information & cyber security. I will also be keen to take a course in human-computer interaction that is offered by cousera. The reasons for choosing these courses is to be able to manage data at the highest level to ensure that I create efficient and reliable queries to retrieve information from the database. Software development is vital especially in Java so as to integrate the backend database and the front end to be able to deliver user-friendly applications that are robust. The human-computer interaction course comes in to cover the knowledge gap in providing products that will make navigation and usage easy for users. That is the basis of customer satisfaction in the use of those products. The security is important since technology is evolving and leaving loopholes. Thus persons with ill intentions access information from various institutions and use it for their own good (The Basics of Information Security, 2014). I want to be able to counter hackers and crackers. Consequently, I wish to be in a position of offering vital advice to the institutions in the security measures to implement in to protect it

Thursday, October 31, 2019

MPH522 - Public Health Law and Policy, Mod 4 Case Assignment Essay

MPH522 - Public Health Law and Policy, Mod 4 Case Assignment - Essay Example He did challenge this decision in several courts but lost and was ruled against by the Supreme Court (Barnes et al, 1993). We will attempt to show that this decision falls under the utilitarian ethics principle. Utilitarian ethics can be defined over all as a decision that is made as the best decision for the most people. The case is a utilitarian ethics case though it also has the element of paternalism which is deontoligic in nature. In this case, it could only be seen that they were making this decision for the greatest good because it was a decision that ruled against the single person and saw the law in the light of a bigger picture. The Supreme Court, in this case made a decision that did not agree with the single employee because it would have led to a loss of the ability to protect future employees from injury that they themselves may not protect themselves against. This is the way public health law works. The public, the law, as well as the courts have had some difficulty in determining what justice is when it comes to a case like this one (Kass, 2001). Does this also protect the company? The answer is of course yes. However, this again is a decision that is made for the largest nu mber, not for the individual. It does not feel right to us because we have a tendency to look for justice in the sense of the single human instead of the group. It is also so easy to see that the company is not only concerned about the employee but that this is a serious illness brewing and if allowed to continue will be a large burden on the resources of the company so in the end the decision is meant to protect the employee, the company and employees of the future. The second part of the Utilitarian principle is that the decision is extrinsic in its features and that the outcomes of the decision were extrinsic in nature. This is certainly true here. This decision will affect

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gospel of John vs Synoptics Essay Example for Free

Gospel of John vs Synoptics Essay Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the first four books of the New Testament. These are also called the â€Å"Gospels,† and they contain a detailed story of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. However, upon reading the four books, one will notice that there are significant differences between the books contents. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke agree on many details, the Gospel of John differs from them. The first three books are the Synoptic Gospels. They are called such because they have many things in common, such as events or details, language, and paragraph structures. However, these are not the only things which make them similar. According to researchers, the possibility exists that one or all of the Gospel writers used other Synoptics for their source material. The Gospel of John, on the other hand, is different from the three. Thus, it is not a Synoptic gospel. The reason behind the differences in Johns accounts from the Synoptics is because he he wants to provide another point of view to the events surrounding Jesus Christ (Conte). In addition, these differences lie in the fact that some materials appear in the Gospel of John but not in the Synoptics and vice versa. Noticeably, the Gospel of John contains a prologue but not in the Synoptics. It also contains a narrative of Jesus Christs childhood, whereas the Synoptics do not include infancy narrative. â€Å"Signs† have also been discussed in John 2, and these started with the wedding at Cana (Just). These â€Å"signs† encouraged the people to follow Jesus, according to John (Neyrey 117). Another material missing from Synoptics but is included in the Gospel of John is the dialogue with Nicodemus, which can be found from selected verses of Chapters 2 and 3 of John (Just). Differences can also be seen from the accounts of baptism. From the Gospel of John, it says that Jesus and his disciples baptized people. However, from the Synoptics, there are no accounts testifying that Jesus was baptized. In addition, there are events that occurred in the Gospel of John but are not recorded in the Synoptics. In the same way, there are events only found in the Synoptics. For instance, the Gospel of John contains details of the Samaritan woman that Jesus met. He also healed a sick man near the pool of Bethesda. Other events include the feeding of the 5,000 people, healing a blind man, raising Lazarus from the dead, and the washing of the feet of the disciples (Just). These events did not appear in the Synoptics. There are also other materials that do not appear in the Synoptics. For instance, they lack the childhood episodes that are present in the Gospel of John. In addition, the Synoptics do not have details about the temptation in the desert, or details about the sermon on the Mount. The Synoptics further lack the Lords prayer, or the list of the names of the disciples. Another obvious details missing from the Synoptics are the parables and the ethical teachings. The Synoptics further lack the predictions about Jesus return and the details about his ascension (Just). Furthermore, the events that John recorded took place during the Passover, or the feast of bread (Neyrey 117), and the ministry of Jesus covers three Passovers. However, the Synoptics acknowledge that Jesus ministry lasts for a year (Just). The differences can also be seen at Johns accounts of the feeding of a large crowd. His accounts tell that â€Å"Jesus asks the disciples about feeding the crowds. † In the Synoptics, it says that the disciples approach Jesus and â€Å"ask Him to send the crowds away. † In addition, the Synoptics claim that Jesus orders his disciples to give the people food to eat, which they did. On the other hand, John claims that it is Jesus who distributed the bread to the people. Also, the Synoptics do not mention names of the disciples. The Gospel of John, however, mentions Philip and Andrew (Neyrey 117). Other prominent differences are seen on other details. Whereas the Synoptics discuss the tenet â€Å"Love your neighbors/enemies,† the Gospel of John emphasizes the importance of loving one another. The Synoptics also believe that the future eschatology, or the destiny of the humanity, is the coming of Gods kingdom. On the other hand, the Gospel of John believes that the eternal life is already upon humankind. Jesus also visits Jerusalem in many occasions, as told in the Gospel of John, but the Synoptics only acknowledge one journey (Just). Aside from these, the differences are obvious from smaller details, such as the claim of the Synoptics that John is â€Å"Elijah† who preaches about repentance. The Gospel of John claims John to be the baptizer and also a witness to Jesus Christ. It is also obvious from the Synoptics that the ministry of Jesus started after John the Baptist is arrested. The Gospel of John shows that the ministry of Jesus overlaps with that of Johns. Furthermore, there is a difference in the accounts of the first disciples of Jesus. The first three books claim that the first disciples of Jesus are Simon Andrew, James and John. However, Johns accounts claim that there are five persons who became Jesus first disciples, namely Andrew, an unnamed person, Simon Peter, Philip, and Nathanael (Just). There are still other differences from details. For instance, the Synoptics tell of an anonymous woman anointing Jesus at Bethany, and this is objected by anonymous people. The Gospel of John claims that Jesus is anointed at Bethany by Mary, Lazarus siste, which was objected by Judas Iscariot. There are also differences from accounts near Jesus death. The Synoptics tell about Jesus being in Gethsemane to pray where he was betrayed by Judas with a kiss. The Gospel of John tells that Jesus is in a garden in Cedron, and He identifies himself to the men who arrived to arrest Him. It is also interesting to note that the time of the crucifixion from the Synoptics accounts is at nine in the morning during the Day of Passover. By three in the afternoon He dies. But John claims that Jesus is condemned to die before the Passover; and when He is crucified, He dies quickly (Just). Upon closer reading of the Synoptics and the Gospel of John, one will notice other differences between their accounts that are not listed in this paper. Perhaps these differences would be dependent on the understanding of each reader. But these differences are meant to provide people with other angles and point of view of all the events that took place during Jesus time. Works Cited Conte, Ronald L. 2005. â€Å"The Writing of the Gospels – Relationship between the Synoptics. † Catholic Planet. 26 June 2009 http://www. catholicplanet. com/TSM/NT-synoptics. htm. Just, Felix. 2006. â€Å"Contrasts Between John and the Synoptics. † 25 June 2009 http://catholic-resources. org/John/Synoptic-Differences. htm. Neyrey, Jerome H. The Gospel of John. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Van Den Haag Regarding Capital Punishment Philosophy Essay

Van Den Haag Regarding Capital Punishment Philosophy Essay In this paper, I will examine the debate over legalizing the death penalty, specifically by referring to the writings of Turrow in To Kill Or Not To Kill and Van den Haag in On Deterrence and the Death Penalty. I will argue that in responding to Van den Haags positions for the death penalty, Turrow would more strongly object to the argument that rests on its justice on opposed to its value as deterrent. I will then consider the merit of the arguments on both sides with regards to justice, eventually concluding that Turrows points are most convincing. Although Turrow makes space in his article to refute arguments based on both deterrence and justice, his argument against deterrence is much shorter and open to criticism. It boils down to the fact that he has not encountered sufficient evidence that the presence of the death penalty results in lower instances of crime. Van den Haag gives several arguments as to why this fails to make a convincing argument against the practice. The ones that are given the most time are the theoretical reasoning that a higher penalty for an action increases deterrence and why the lack of evidence for deterrence should not cause us to assume it does not exist. Since Turrow does not concern himself with the theoretical grounds for deterrence, this argument is unlikely to convince him. If the facts do not back up this theorizing then there is little reason to base policy on it. Luckily, Van den Haag also responds to concerns about the lack of evidence showing that the presence of the death penalty has any deterrent effect on crime. While he admits that no evidence can be found that the death penalty reduces crime, we should not conclude that this effect is not present. Because there are so many factors that influence things like homicide rates, it is impossible to derive a causal relationship or lack thereof between magnitude of punishment and frequency of offense. As Van den Haag puts it, it is wrong to believe, lack of evidence for deterrence is evidence for the lack of deterrence, (Van den Haag, 145). This is accompanied by the claim on Van den Haags part that often criminals are not even aware of laws in their state regarding capital punishment, so its presence would not factor into their cost-benefit analysis. Now, an immediate question raised by this is: How can the death penalty deter criminals if they arent aware of its existence? Even though only part of Van den Haags appeal to deterrence seems to carry any weight to Turrow, the inability to draw any solid conclusion from statistical analysis should be enough to give Turrow pause, if not necessarily convince him. I will now argue that while Turrow may still disagree with the deterrence argument, he will object more strongly to the appeal to justice that Van den Haag gives. This is not to say that Turrow rejects the idea that justice should be an end we seek in punishing criminals. In his article, he makes several statements that would be nonsensical if this were not the case. Firstly he says, Ive always thought death-penalty proponents have a point when they say that it denigrates the profound indignity of murder to punish it in the same fashion as other crimes. (Turrow, 4) Turrow is not appealing to deterrence or potential for rehabilitation here in his argument for the death penalty. His objection is based on the fact that some crimes are so heinous that we must respond in kind for the sake of the moral order. It seems to me that restoring the moral order, is as good a definition of justice as any other. Now that I have concluded that both Van den Haag and Turrow see justice as a legitimate ground on which to base arguments for and against capital punishment, I must show that appealing to justice leads the two authors to different conclusions. Van den Haags appeal to justice is a very much utilitarian argument that is dependent upon his argument from deterrence. He argues that whatever way that we were to define injustice, the correct action should be that which results in the least injustice. This leads him to conclude that if we are concerned with innocent people being mistakenly given the death penalty, we must consider the number of innocents killed this way and compare it to the number of deaths that could have been prevented by deterrence and see if we have a net gain in innocents saved. He then goes on to argue that capital punishment deters enough would-be killers to make its legality just. Turrow would object more strongly to claims of justice than to deterrence because, as Van den Haag states, the validity of his justice argument is dependent on the validity of his deterrence argument. I have already mentioned that Turrow is skeptical of claims of deterrence. I turns out that even if he were to reverse his stance on deterrence, he would also disagree with Van den Haags reasoning for why this would make a system with capital punishment a just one. The main flaw that Turrow finds with capital punishment is its inability to be properly implemented within our justice system. He relates stories of his firsthand experience with cases in which men are given, or very nearly given, the death sentence for crimes they did not commit. This deeply troubles him, and he is not so willing to accept this tragedy as Van den Haag is by simply requiring that more innocent lives are saved by the act than are wrongfully executed. He simply states that, Now and then, we will execute someone who is innocentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Turrow, 7) He makes no reference to the number of people saved by this practice, because that number is not significant. Turrow seems to believe that wrongfully executing someone is far worse than the crime of murder enacted by an individual. This may be that the first is a sort of betrayal of the justice system, whereas the latter is simply a failure of it. Therefore, because Turrow would disagree with both the main argument (jus tice) and that which it relies upon (deterrence), his objection to justice would be the stronger of the two. I will now evaluate both arguments from each of these in regards to the justice of having a death penalty. Here I will assume that the argument for deterrence is valid and some innocent lives are spared since Van den Haags argument for justice is contingent upon this fact. As I have described it, the crux of this debate hinges on whether or not it is acceptable to allow some innocents to be executed in order to save more from would-be murderers who do not commit crimes out of fear of the death penalty. Van den Haag is satisfied as long as the number of innocents killed is less than without the death penalty whereas Turrow is against any system in which the innocent may be wrongfully given a death sentence. Something potentially overlooked by Van den Haag is that there may be more consequences to capital punishment being accepted than the accidental killing of innocents. The very idea that ones government may wrongfully convict you for a crime you did not commit could fray the trust that should theoretically exist between a citizen and the government designed to protect him or her. While this argument could certainly be made for any sort of crime, both authors make the distinction in the death penaltys irrevocability. If one has faith that the system may eventually discover its error (by no means certain), then a jail term can be ended and the victim compensated but this is not possible with death. This fear on the part of the citizen could lead to a lack of cooperation or assistance with the police in a case for fear that they will become a suspect. However, the argument that we should not inflict the death penalty because we may sentence the wrong person to death deserves a bit more analysis. The common point made by both authors is that it may be better to give a life-in-prison sentence because then any mistakes in conviction may be found and reversed. However, if this does not actually happen then this weakness of capital punishment does not actually exist. It would be worthwhile to examine statistics of how many prisoners serving life sentences are found to be innocent and released. This would give us insight as to how many innocent lives would be lost were capital punishment allowed, and be a mark in favor of prohibiting it. In other words, if life-in-prison sentences are never overturned then prisoners given them in lieu of the death penalty have no chance of being released so the increased chance of righting the wrong does not actually exist. Granted, this theoretical wrongfully accused person does gain life-in-prison as opposed to execution, but this seems like small consolation to a man who committed no crime. This is a measurable quantity, one that I suspect will come down in favor of prohibition. Of course, as with any objection to a utilitarian viewpoint, as the numbers become more and more extreme our convictions seem less concrete. Would we allow the wrongful execution of one man in order to deter the murders of one million? Because this case is quite unlikely, it does not bear much weight in my considerations. In this paper I have outlined reasons for which Turrow would object most strongly to Van den Haags defense of capital punishment on the grounds of justice, namely that wrongfully executing someone is far worse than failing to deter a murderer from doing the same. I have then considered the justice-based arguments of both authors and decided that, despite potential lives saved and pending statistical reinforcement, the societal consequences of capital punishment outweigh its benefits.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation :: Chemicals Anatomy Papers

Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation Creatine is a metabolite that is produced naturally by the human body. It is found mainly in the red muscle tissue, but it is also present in the heart and brain. Normally, creatine is acquired through regular dietary intake of products such as meat and fish, which are high in protein. However, when dietary intake is low creatine can be produced from natural amino acids such as glycine, arginine, and methionine in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Creatine monohydrate is the synthetic form of creatine ( - Information on Creatine Monohydrate). How does creatine work? What is its purpose? Creatine functions to increase the availability of cellular ATP, adenosine triphosphate. Muscular contractions take place off the presence of ATP and the how quickly it can be regenerated; therefore, an increase in creatine levels is thought to increase the force of muscle contractions ( Creatine works by acting on mechanisms of ATP by donating a phosphate ion to increase the availability of ATP. Thus, creatine claims to enhance physical performance by increasing energy and therefore, delaying or minimizing fatigue and adding to the amount of time spent training or working out ( and - Information on Creatine Monohydrate). How much creatine should be taken? Currently there are no set dosage levels for creatine monohydrate because each person has a maximum level of creatine that cannot be exceeded; therefore, the key to creatine is to benefit from the lowest dosage possible. The most popular dosage regiment has two phases: the loading phase consists of loading the body with creatine to get the levels up. In this phase, 1 heaping teaspoon dose of approximately 5grams is recommended four times daily for one to five days. This is followed by the maintenance phase, which sustains the desired high levels of creatine in the body. The dosage is lowered to 1 teaspoon one to three times a day. The intake of creatine causes the muscle cells to volumize. Basically becoming very hydrated. However, other methods suggest that the loading phase is unnecessary ( - crdosage). It is also suggested that the most efficient way to maximize low dosages of creatine is to follow the dosage regiment in a cyclical fash ion. If creatine levels are allowed to subside and then one takes the supplement, greater results will be seen. In addition, more substantial improvements are likely to be seen in those with a restricted meat diet or those who are vegetarians (http://bodytrends.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird-Mayellas Motives for Accusing Tom

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee there is a recurring them involving racism and incest in the town of Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930’s. Mayella Ewell is a nineteen year old girl living at home with her abusive drunk father, and 8 younger brothers and sisters. Her mother died thus leaving her to be the mother figure in the poor household. Mayella accuses twenty-five year old black man Tom Robinson of raping her. Mayella had multiple motives for falsely accusing Tom Robinson of her rape. Mayella accused Tom because she was forced to by her father, Bob Ewell and because that man is her father. It is made very clear during the trial that it was not Tom Robinson who raped Mayella Ewell, but instead her own father. She blamed Robinson because she was evidently coersed by Bob Ewell. In Tom’s testimony he spoke of Mayella’s actions before Bob Ewell came in, â€Å"She says she never kissed a man before an’ she might as well kiss a nigger. She says what her papa do to her don’t count† (page 260). When Bob saw Mayella and Tom together being the mean drunk he is he beat and raped Mayella. In anger, he knew someone would have to pay for what he saw going on between Tom and Mayella. It was not hard to convince people in a town like Maycomb that Tom was guilty. He was black, he had a criminal record known to the citizens of Maycomb since it was such a small town, and he lived in the same neighborhood as the Ewells. People had most likely seen Tom entering the Ewell home because on more than one occasion, Mayella asked Tom to come in and help do some work around the house. â€Å"She’d call me in, suh. Seemed like every time I passed yonder she’d have some little somethin’ for me to do† (page 56). Mayella was coursed by her own father to accuse Tom because Tom was such an easy target to cover up her father’s actions. Mayella falsely accused Tom Robinson for another reason too. For the most part, victims love their abusers. Mayella is the victim and Bob Ewell is the abuser. Bob Ewell does not do anything productive but regardless he is still Mayella’s provider of many things like a home. Mayella, after being coersed by her father would much rather come off as the victim of abuse my some ‘evil’ black man than her father. â€Å"That nigger yonder took advantage of me an’ if you fine fancy gentlemen don’t wanta do nothin’ about it then ou’re all yellow stinkin’ cowards, stinkin’ cowards, the lot of you† (page 251). Mayella was the one who initiated the incident too so instead of taking responsibility for it she would rather put the blame on a black man who would of course not even have a chance in court. Mayella accused Tom Robinson for rape when in reality it was Bob Ewell, her father. She did this because her father made her do it and because she would much rather blame the black man than admit that she came onto him and that it was actually her father that beat and raped her.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Poetic Devices essays

Poetic Devices essays We be getting down and you know we're crush groovin Let me get some action from the back section Let your back bone flip but don't slip a disc Let your spine unwind just take a risk I wanna do the freak until the break of dawn Tell me party people is that so wrong Spice Girls Last Time Lover Cool sexy, ever ready, someone fine, always steady, gentle hands, dirty mind, use your head and don't be blind Counting Crows, Long December The feeling that its a whole lot of oysters, but no pearls Splender I Think God Can Explain Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet Juliet when we made love you used to cry you said I love you like the stars above I'll love you till i die ...